Experimental Demonstrations of Native Implementation of Boolean Logic Hamiltonian in a Superconducting Quantum Annealer

Experimental demonstrations of quantum annealing with “native” implementation of Boolean logic Hamiltonians are reported. As a superconducting integrated circuit, a problem Hamiltonian whose set of ground states is consistent with a given truth table is implemented for quantum annealing with no redundant qubits. As examples of the truth table, nand and nor are successfully fabricated […]

Quantum Generative Models for Small Molecule Drug Discovery

Existing drug discovery pipelines take 5–10 years and cost billions of dollars. Computational approaches aim to sample from regions of the whole molecular and solid-state compounds called chemical space, which could be on the order of 1060. Deep generative models can model the underlying probability distribution of both the physical structures and property of drugs and […]

Efficient Discrete Feature Encoding for Variational Quantum Classifier

Recent days have witnessed significant interests in applying quantum-enhanced techniques for solving a variety of machine learning tasks. Variational methods that use quantum resources of imperfect quantum devices with the help of classical computing techniques are popular for supervised learning. Variational quantum classification (VQC) is one of such methods with possible quantum advantage in using […]

Efficient Boolean Methods for Preparing Uniform Quantum States

As each quantum algorithm requires a specific initial quantum state, quantum state preparation is an important task in quantum computing. The preparation of quantum states is performed by a quantum circuit consisting of controlled-NOT (CNOT) and single-qubit gates. Known algorithms to prepare arbitrary n -qubit quantum states create quantum circuits in O(2n) runtime and use O(2n) CNOTs, which are more expensive […]

Key Device and Materials Specifications for a Repeater Enabled Quantum Internet

Entangled photons can be used to create a truly secure communication link between two parties. However, the distance over which this can be achieved is limited by the transmission losses associated with optical fibers. One potential solution is using quantum repeaters (QRs) where initial entanglement is created over short distances and then extended via entanglement […]

Performance of Domain-Wall Encoding for Quantum Annealing

In this article, we experimentally test the performance of the recently proposed domain-wall encoding of discrete variables Chancellor, 2019, on Ising model flux qubit quantum annealers. We compare this encoding with the traditional one-hot methods and find that they outperform the one-hot encoding for three different problems at different sizes of both the problem and […]

Engineering the Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed

The Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) at Sandia National Laboratories is a trapped-ion qubit system designed to evaluate the potential of near-term quantum hardware in scientific computing applications for the U.S. Department of Energy and its Advanced Scientific Computing Research program. Similar to commercially available platforms, it offers quantum hardware that researchers can […]

Reducing the Depth of Linear Reversible Quantum Circuits

In quantum computing the decoherence time of the qubits determines the computation time available, and this time is very limited when using current hardware. In this article, we minimize the execution time (the depth) for a class of circuits referred to as linear reversible circuits, which has many applications in quantum computing (e.g., stabilizer circuits, […]

Attacking the Quantum Internet

The main service provided by the coming quantum Internet will be creating entanglement between any two quantum nodes. We discuss and classify attacks on quantum repeaters, which will serve roles similar to those of classical Internet routers. We have modeled the components for and structure of quantum repeater network nodes. With this model, we point […]

Identification of Time-Varying Decoherence Rates for Open Quantum Systems

Parameter identification of quantum systems is a fundamental task in developing practical quantum technology. In this article, we study the identification of time-varying decoherence rates for open quantum systems. Given the measurement data of local observables, this can be formulated as an optimization problem. We expand the unknown decoherence rates into Fourier series and take […]