Optimal Partitioning of Quantum Circuits Using Gate Cuts and Wire Cuts

A limited number of qubits, high error rates, and limited qubit connectivity are major challenges for effective near-term quantum computations. Quantum circuit partitioning divides a quantum computation into classical postprocessing steps and a set of smaller scale quantum computations that individually require fewer qubits, lower qubit connectivity, and typically incur less error. However, as partitioning […]

A Low-Complexity Quantum Principal Component Analysis Algorithm

In this article, we propose a low-complexity quantum principal component analysis (qPCA) algorithm. Similar to the state-of-the-art qPCA, it achieves dimension reduction by extracting principal components of the data matrix, rather than all components of the data matrix, to quantum registers, so that the samples of measurement required can be reduced considerably. Both our qPCA […]

Efficient Boolean Methods for Preparing Uniform Quantum States

As each quantum algorithm requires a specific initial quantum state, quantum state preparation is an important task in quantum computing. The preparation of quantum states is performed by a quantum circuit consisting of controlled-NOT (CNOT) and single-qubit gates. Known algorithms to prepare arbitrary n -qubit quantum states create quantum circuits in O(2n) runtime and use O(2n) CNOTs, which are more expensive […]