Hybrid Quantum Cycle Generative Adversarial Network for Small Molecule Generation

The drug design process currently requires considerable time and resources to develop each new compound that enters the market. This work develops an application of hybrid quantum generative models based on the integration of parameterized quantum circuits into known molecular generative adversarial networks and proposes quantum cycle architectures that improve model performance and stability during […]

Testing and Debugging Quantum Circuits

This article introduces a process framework for debugging quantum circuits, focusing on three distinct types of circuit blocks: amplitude–permutation, phase-modulation, and amplitude–redistribution circuit blocks. Our research addresses the critical need for specialized debugging approaches tailored to the unique properties of each circuit type. For amplitude–permutation circuits, we propose techniques to correct amplitude–permutations mimicking classical operations. […]

Parallelizing Quantum Simulation With Decision Diagrams

Since people became aware of the power of quantum phenomena in the domain of traditional computation, a great number of complex problems that were once considered intractable in the classical world have been tackled. The downsides of quantum supremacy are its high cost and unpredictability. Numerous researchers are relying on quantum simulators running on classical […]

Optimal Partitioning of Quantum Circuits Using Gate Cuts and Wire Cuts

A limited number of qubits, high error rates, and limited qubit connectivity are major challenges for effective near-term quantum computations. Quantum circuit partitioning divides a quantum computation into classical postprocessing steps and a set of smaller scale quantum computations that individually require fewer qubits, lower qubit connectivity, and typically incur less error. However, as partitioning […]

Pauli Error Propagation-Based Gate Rescheduling for Quantum Circuit Error Mitigation

Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms, which run on noisy quantum computers, should be carefully designed to boost the output state fidelity. While several compilation approaches have been proposed to minimize circuit errors, they often omit the detailed circuit structure information that does not affect the circuit depth or the gate count. In the presence of spatial […]

Simultaneous Execution of Quantum Circuits on Current and Near-Future NISQ Systems

In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, the idea of quantum multiprogramming , running multiple quantum circuits (QCs) simultaneously on the same hardware, helps to improve the throughput of quantum computation. However, the crosstalk, unwanted interference between qubits on NISQ processors, may cause performance degradation when using multiprogramming. To address this challenge, we introduce palloq […]

Quantum Kernels for Real-World Predictions Based on Electronic Health Records

Research on near-term quantum machine learning has explored how classical machine learning algorithms endowed with access to quantum kernels (similarity measures) can outperform their purely classical counterparts. Although theoretical work has shown a provable advantage on synthetic data sets, no work done to date has studied empirically whether the quantum advantage is attainable and with […]

Depth Optimization of CZ, CNOT, and Clifford Circuits

We seek to develop better upper bound guarantees on the depth of quantum CZ gate, cnot gate, and Clifford circuits than those reported previously. We focus on the number of qubits n≤ 1 345 000 (de Brugière et al. , 2021), which represents the most practical use case. Our upper bound on the depth of CZ circuits is ⌊n/2+0.4993⋅log2(n)+3.0191⋅log(n)−10.9139⌋ , improving the best-known […]

Mutation Testing of Quantum Programs: A Case Study With Qiskit

As quantum computing is still in its infancy, there is an inherent lack of knowledge and technology to test a quantum program properly. In the classical realm, mutation testing has been successfully used to evaluate how well a program’s test suite detects seeded faults (i.e., mutants). In this article, building on the definition of syntactically […]

A Software Development Kit and Translation Layer for Executing Intel 8080 Assembler on a Quantum Computer (August 2022)

One of the major obstacles to the adoption of quantum computing is the requirement to define quantum circuits at the quantum gate level. Many programmers are familiar with high-level or low-level programming languages but not quantum gates nor the low-level quantum logic required to derive useful results from quantum computers. The steep learning curve involved […]