TAQNet: Traffic-Aware Minimum-Cost Quantum Communication Network Planning

Quantum key distribution (QKD) provides a secure method to exchange encrypted information between two parties in a quantum communication infrastructure (QCI). The primary challenge in deploying a QCI is the cost of using optical fibers and trusted repeater nodes (TRNs). Practical systems combine quantum and classical channels on the same fiber to reduce the cost […]

Grover’s Oracle for the Shortest Vector Problem and Its Application in Hybrid Classical–Quantum Solvers

Finding the shortest vector in a lattice is a problem that is believed to be hard both for classical and quantum computers. Many major postquantum secure cryptosystems base their security on the hardness of the shortest vector problem (SVP) (Moody, 2023). Finding the best classical, quantum, or hybrid classical–quantum algorithms for the SVP is necessary […]

A Cost and Power Feasibility Analysis of Quantum Annealing for NextG Cellular Wireless Networks

In order to meet mobile cellular users’ ever-increasing data demands, today’s 4G and 5G wireless networks are designed mainly with the goal of maximizing spectral efficiency. While they have made progress in this regard, controlling the carbon footprint and operational costs of such networks remains a long-standing problem among network designers. This article takes a […]

Approaching Collateral Optimization for NISQ and Quantum-Inspired Computing (May 2023)

Collateral optimization refers to the systematic allocation of financial assets to satisfy obligations or secure transactions while simultaneously minimizing costs and optimizing the usage of available resources. This involves assessing the number of characteristics, such as the cost of funding and quality of the underlying assets to ascertain the optimal collateral quantity to be posted […]

Depth Optimization of CZ, CNOT, and Clifford Circuits

We seek to develop better upper bound guarantees on the depth of quantum CZ gate, cnot gate, and Clifford circuits than those reported previously. We focus on the number of qubits n≤ 1 345 000 (de Brugière et al. , 2021), which represents the most practical use case. Our upper bound on the depth of CZ circuits is ⌊n/2+0.4993⋅log2(n)+3.0191⋅log(n)−10.9139⌋ , improving the best-known […]

Efficient Construction of a Control Modular Adder on a Carry-Lookahead Adder Using Relative-Phase Toffoli Gates

Control modular addition is a core arithmetic function, and we must consider the computational cost for actual quantum computers to realize efficient implementation. To achieve a low computational cost in a control modular adder, we focus on minimizingKQ (where K is the number of logical qubits required by the algorithm, and Q is the elementary […]

On the Realistic Worst-Case Analysis of Quantum Arithmetic Circuits

We provide evidence that commonly held intuitions when designing quantum circuits can be misleading. In particular, we show that 1) reducing the T-count can increase the total depth; 2) it may be beneficial to trade controlled NOTs for measurements in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) circuits; 2) measurement-based uncomputation of relative phase Toffoli ancillae can make […]

Quantum Circuit Architecture Optimization for Variational Quantum Eigensolver via Monto Carlo Tree Search

The advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices provide crucial promise for the development of quantum algorithms. Variational quantum algorithms have emerged as one of the best hopes to utilize NISQ devices. Among these is the famous variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), where one trains a parameterized and fixed quantum circuit (or an ansatz) to accomplish […]