A Grover Search-Based Algorithm for the List Coloring Problem

Graph coloring is a computationally difficult problem, and currently the best known classical algorithm for k -coloring of graphs on n vertices has runtimes Ω(2n) for k≥5 . The list coloring problem asks the following more general question: given a list of available colors for each vertex in a graph, does it admit a proper coloring? We propose a hybrid classical-quantum algorithm based […]

Versatile and Concurrent FPGA-Based Architecture for Practical Quantum Communication Systems

This article presents a hardware and software architecture, which can be used in those systems that implement practical quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum random-number generation (QRNG) schemes. This architecture fully exploits the capability of a System on a Chip (SoC), which comprehends both a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and a dual-core CPU unit. By […]

Versatile and Concurrent FPGA-Based Architecture for Practical Quantum Communication Systems

This article presents a hardware and software architecture, which can be used in those systems that implement practical quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum random-number generation (QRNG) schemes. This architecture fully exploits the capability of a System on a Chip (SoC), which comprehends both a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and a dual-core CPU unit. By […]

Single-Qubit Fidelity Assessment of Quantum Annealing Hardware

As a wide variety of quantum computing platforms become available, methods for assessing and comparing the performance of these devices are of increasing interest and importance. Inspired by the success of single-qubit error rate computations for tracking the progress of gate-based quantum computers, this work proposes a quantum annealing single-qubit assessment (QASA) protocol for quantifying […]

O(N^3) Measurement Cost for Variational Quantum Eigensolver on Molecular Hamiltonians

Variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is a promising algorithm for near-term quantum machines. It can be used to estimate the ground state energy of a molecule by performing separate measurements of O(N 4 ) terms. This quartic scaling appears to be a significant obstacle to practical applications. However, we note that it empirically reduces to O(N 3 ) when we […]

Entanglement Distribution in a Quantum Network: A Multicommodity Flow-Based Approach

We consider the problem of optimizing the achievable EPR-pair distribution rate between multiple source-destination pairs in a quantum Internet, where the repeaters may perform a probabilistic Bell-state measurement and we may impose a minimum end-to-end fidelity as a requirement. We construct an efficient linear programming (LP) formulation that computes the maximum total achievable entanglement distribution […]