Testing and Debugging Quantum Circuits

This article introduces a process framework for debugging quantum circuits, focusing on three distinct types of circuit blocks: amplitude–permutation, phase-modulation, and amplitude–redistribution circuit blocks. Our research addresses the critical need for specialized debugging approaches tailored to the unique properties of each circuit type. For amplitude–permutation circuits, we propose techniques to correct amplitude–permutations mimicking classical operations. […]

Testing and Debugging Quantum Circuits

This article introduces a process framework for debugging quantum circuits, focusing on three distinct types of circuit blocks: amplitude–permutation, phase-modulation, and amplitude–redistribution circuit blocks. Our research addresses the critical need for specialized debugging approaches tailored to the unique properties of each circuit type. For amplitude–permutation circuits, we propose techniques to correct amplitude–permutations mimicking classical operations. […]

Analysis of the Vehicle Routing Problem Solved via Hybrid Quantum Algorithms in the Presence of Noisy Channels

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is an NP-hard optimization problem that has been an interest of research for decades in science and industry. The objective is to plan routes of vehicles to deliver goods to a fixed number of customers with optimal efficiency. Classical tools and methods provide good approximations to reach the optimal global […]

Teaching Quantum Computing to High-School-Aged Youth: A Hands-On Approach

Quantum computing is aninterdisciplinary field that lies at the intersection of mathematics, quantum physics, and computer science, and finds applications in areas including optimization, machine learning, and simulation of chemical, physical, and biological systems. It has the potential to help solve problems that so far have no satisfying method solving them, and to provide significant […]