A Quantum-Classical Collaborative Training Architecture Based on Quantum State Fidelity

Recent advancements have highlighted the limitations of current quantum systems, particularly the restricted number of qubits available on near-term quantum devices. This constraint greatly inhibits the range of applications that can leverage quantum computers. Moreover, as the available qubits increase, the computational complexity grows exponentially, posing additional challenges. Consequently, there is an urgent need to […]

Parallelizing Quantum Simulation With Decision Diagrams

Since people became aware of the power of quantum phenomena in the domain of traditional computation, a great number of complex problems that were once considered intractable in the classical world have been tackled. The downsides of quantum supremacy are its high cost and unpredictability. Numerous researchers are relying on quantum simulators running on classical […]

Exploiting the Quantum Advantage for Satellite Image Processing: Review and Assessment

This article examines the current status of quantum computing (QC) in Earth observation and satellite imagery. We analyze the potential limitations and applications of quantum learning models when dealing with satellite data, considering the persistent challenges of profiting from quantum advantage and finding the optimal sharing between high-performance computing (HPC) and QC. We then assess […]

Learning Circular Hidden Quantum Markov Models: A Tensor Network Approach

This article proposes circular hidden quantum Markov models (c-HQMMs), which can be applied for modeling temporal data. We show that c-HQMMs are equivalent to a tensor network (more precisely, circular local purified state) model. This equivalence enables us to provide an efficient learning model for c-HQMMs. The proposed learning approach is evaluated on six real […]

On the Logical Error Rate of Sparse Quantum Codes

The quantum paradigm presents a phenomenon known as degeneracy that can potentially improve the performance of quantum error correcting codes. However, the effects of this mechanism are sometimes ignored when evaluating the performance of sparse quantum codes and the logical error rate is not always correctly reported. In this article, we discuss previously existing methods […]

Exploiting Symmetry Reduces the Cost of Training QAOA

A promising approach to the practical application of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is finding QAOA parameters classically in simulation and sampling the solutions from QAOA with optimized parameters on a quantum computer. Doing so requires repeated evaluations of QAOA energy in simulation. In this article, we propose a novel approach for accelerating the […]

Encoding of Nonbinary Entanglement-Unassisted and Assisted Stabilizer Codes

Quantum coding schemes over qudits using preshared entanglement between the encoder and decoder can provide better error correction capability than without it. In this article, we develop procedures for constructing encoding operators for entanglement-unassisted and entanglement-assisted qudit stabilizer codes over Fpk, with p prime and k≥1 from first principles, generalizing prior works on qubit-based codes and codes that work […]