Superconducting Nanostrip Photon-Number-Resolving Detector as an Unbiased Random Number Generator

Detectors capable of resolving the number of photons are essential in many applications, ranging from classic photonics to quantum optics and quantum communication. In particular, photon-number-resolving detectors based on arrays of superconducting nanostrips can offer a high detection efficiency, a low dark count rate, and a recovery time of a few nanoseconds. In this work, […]

Quantum Computation via Multiport Discretized Quantum Fourier Optical Processors

The light’s image is the primary source of information carrier in nature. Indeed, a single photon’s image possesses a vast information capacity that can be harnessed for quantum information processing. Our scheme for implementing quantum information processing on a discretized photon wavefront via universal multiport processors employs a class of quantum Fourier optical systems composed […]

Quantum Computation via Multiport Discretized Quantum Fourier Optical Processors

The light’s image is the primary source of information carrier in nature. Indeed, a single photon’s image possesses a vast information capacity that can be harnessed for quantum information processing. Our scheme for implementing quantum information processing on a discretized photon wavefront via universal multiport processors employs a class of quantum Fourier optical systems composed […]

Time Binning Method for Nonpulsed Sources Characterization With a Superconducting Photon Number Resolving Detector

Photon number resolving detectors find space in many fields, such as quantum optics, boson sampling, and fluorescence spectroscopy. In particular, the reconstruction of the input photon distribution is essential in quantum communications to detect photon-number-splitting attacks. In this work, we discuss the operation configurations of a photon number resolving detector based on superconducting nanostrips at […]

MIMO Terahertz Quantum Key Distribution Under Restricted Eavesdropping

Quantum key distribution (QKD) can provide unconditional security to next-generation communication networks guaranteed by the laws of quantum physics. This article studies the secret key rate (SKR) of a continuous variable QKD (CV-QKD) system using multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission and operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies. Distinct from previous works, we consider a practical “restricted” eavesdropping […]

Fundamentals of Quantum Fourier Optics

All-quantum signal processing techniques are at the core of the successful advancement of most information-based quantum technologies. This article develops coherent and comprehensive methodologies and mathematical models to describe Fourier optical signal processing in full quantum terms for any input quantum state of light. We begin this article by introducing a spatially 2-D quantum state […]

Estimation of the CHSH Parameter Using HOM Interference

The Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) experiment is an essential test of nonlocality in quantum mechanics and can be used to validate the principle of entanglement. In addition to verifying entanglement, the measurable CHSH parameter can also be used to gauge the quality of the entanglement present in a system. The measurement of Hong–Ou–Mandel (HOM) interference is another […]

Efficient Quantum Network Communication Using Optimized Entanglement Swapping Trees

Quantum network communication is challenging, as the no-cloning theorem in the quantum regime makes many classical techniques inapplicable; in particular, the direct transmission of qubit states over long distances is infeasible due to unrecoverable errors. For the long-distance communication of unknown quantum states, the only viable communication approach (assuming local operations and classical communications) is […]

A High-Resolution Single-Photon Arrival-Time Measurement With Self-Antithetic Variance Reduction in Quantum Applications: Theoretical Analysis and Performance Estimation

An almost all-digital time-to-digital converter (TDC) possessing subpicosecond resolutions, scalable dynamic ranges, high linearity, high noise immunity, and moderate conversion rates can be achieved by a random sampling-and-averaging (RSA) approach with the self-antithetic variance reduction (SAVR) technique for time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) quantum measurements. This article presents detailed theoretical analysis and behavior-model verifications of the […]

Timing Constraints Imposed by Classical Digital Control Systems on Photonic Implementations of Measurement-Based Quantum Computing

Most of the architectural research on photonic implementations of measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) has focused on the quantum resources involved in the problem with the implicit assumption that these will provide the main constraints on system scaling. However, the “flying-qubit” architecture of photonic MBQC requires specific timing constraints that need to be met by the […]