EP-PQM: Efficient Parametric Probabilistic Quantum Memory With Fewer Qubits and Gates

Machine learning (ML) classification tasks can be carried out on a quantum computer (QC) using probabilistic quantum memory (PQM) and its extension, parametric PQM (P-PQM), by calculating the Hamming distance between an input pattern and a database of r patterns containing z features with a distinct attributes. For PQM and P-PQM to correctly compute the Hamming distance, the feature must be […]

Pulse-Engineered Controlled-V Gate and Its Applications on Superconducting Quantum Device

In this article, we demonstrate that, by employing the OpenPulse design kit for IBM superconducting quantum devices, the controlled-V gate ( cv gate) can be implemented in about half the gate time to the controlled-X gate ( cx or cnot gate) and consequently 65.5% reduced gate time compared to the cx -based implementation of cv […]

Neural-Network Decoders for Quantum Error Correction Using Surface Codes: A Space Exploration of the Hardware Cost-Performance Tradeoffs

Quantum error correction (QEC) is required in quantum computers to mitigate the effect of errors on physical qubits. When adopting a QEC scheme based on surface codes, error decoding is the most computationally expensive task in the classical electronic back-end. Decoders employing neural networks (NN) are well-suited for this task but their hardware implementation has […]

A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Dicke State Preparation

We present a divide-and-conquer approach to deterministically prepare Dicke states |Dnk⟩ (i.e., equal-weight superpositions of all n -qubit states with Hamming weight k ) on quantum computers. In an experimental evaluation for up to n=6 qubits on IBM Quantum Sydney and Montreal devices, we achieve significantly higher state fidelity compared to previous results. The fidelity gains are achieved through several techniques: our circuits […]

A Distributed Learning Scheme for Variational Quantum Algorithms

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are prime contenders to gain computational advantages over classical algorithms using near-term quantum machines. As such, many endeavors have been made to accelerate the optimization of modern VQAs in past years. To further improve the capability of VQAs, here, we propose a quantum distributed optimization scheme (dubbed as QUDIO), whose back […]

The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers

The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is the basis for several cryptographic primitives. Since Shor’s work, it has been known that the DLP can be solved by combining a polynomial-size quantum circuit and a polynomial-time classical postprocessing algorithm. The theoretical result corresponds the situation where a quantum device working with a medium number of qubits of […]

Quantum Volume in Practice: What Users Can Expect From NISQ Devices

Quantum volume (QV) has become the de-facto standard benchmark to quantify the capability of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. While QV values are often reported by NISQ providers for their systems, we perform our own series of QV calculations on 24 NISQ devices currently offered by IBM Q, IonQ, Rigetti, Oxford Quantum Circuits, and Quantinuum […]

Hybrid Classical-Quantum Optimization Techniques for Solving Mixed-Integer Programming Problems in Production Scheduling

Quantum computing (QC) holds great promise to open up a new era of computing and has been receiving significant attention recently. To overcome the performance limitations of near-term QC, utilizing the current quantum computers to complement classical techniques for solving real-world problems is of utmost importance. In this article, we develop QC-based solution strategies that […]

Practical Quantum K-Means Clustering: Performance Analysis and Applications in Energy Grid Classification

In this work, we aim to solve a practical use-case of unsupervised clustering that has applications in predictive maintenance in the energy operations sector using quantum computers. Using only cloud access to quantum computers, we complete thorough performance analysis of what some current quantum computing systems are capable of for practical applications involving nontrivial mid-to-high-dimensional […]

Deep Space Network Scheduling Using Quantum Annealing

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Deep Space Network (DSN) is responsible for communication and navigation for several NASA and international missions. The DSN comprises three complexes located in Goldstone (California, USA), Cambera (Australia), and Madrid (Spain). This distribution in longitude guarantees a full sky coverage. Each complex has one 70-m and several 34-m […]