Improving Probabilistic Error Cancellation in the Presence of Nonstationary Noise

In this article, we investigate the stability of probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) outcomes in the presence of nonstationary noise, which is an obstacle to achieving accurate observable estimates. Leveraging Bayesian methods, we design a strategy to enhance PEC stability and accuracy. Our experiments using a five-qubit implementation of the Bernstein–Vazirani algorithm and conducted on the […]

On the Bipartite Entanglement Capacity of Quantum Networks

We consider the problem of multipath entanglement distribution to a pair of nodes in a quantum network consisting of devices with nondeterministic entanglement swapping capabilities. Multipath entanglement distribution enables a network to establish end-to-end entangled links across any number of available paths with preestablished link-level entanglement. Probabilistic entanglement swapping, on the other hand, limits the […]

Tools for the Analysis of Quantum Protocols Requiring State Generation Within a Time Window

Quantum protocols commonly require a certain number of quantum resource states to be available simultaneously. An important class of examples is quantum network protocols that require a certain number of entangled pairs. Here, we consider a setting in which a process generates a quantum resource state with some probability p in each time step and […]

EP-PQM: Efficient Parametric Probabilistic Quantum Memory With Fewer Qubits and Gates

Machine learning (ML) classification tasks can be carried out on a quantum computer (QC) using probabilistic quantum memory (PQM) and its extension, parametric PQM (P-PQM), by calculating the Hamming distance between an input pattern and a database of r patterns containing z features with a distinct attributes. For PQM and P-PQM to correctly compute the Hamming distance, the feature must be […]

A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Dicke State Preparation

We present a divide-and-conquer approach to deterministically prepare Dicke states |Dnk⟩ (i.e., equal-weight superpositions of all n -qubit states with Hamming weight k ) on quantum computers. In an experimental evaluation for up to n=6 qubits on IBM Quantum Sydney and Montreal devices, we achieve significantly higher state fidelity compared to previous results. The fidelity gains are achieved through several techniques: our circuits […]

Entanglement Distribution in a Quantum Network: A Multicommodity Flow-Based Approach

We consider the problem of optimizing the achievable EPR-pair distribution rate between multiple source-destination pairs in a quantum Internet, where the repeaters may perform a probabilistic Bell-state measurement and we may impose a minimum end-to-end fidelity as a requirement. We construct an efficient linear programming (LP) formulation that computes the maximum total achievable entanglement distribution […]