State Preparation on Quantum Computers via Quantum Steering

Quantum computers present a compelling platform for the study of open quantum systems, namely, the nonunitary dynamics of a system. Here, we investigate and report digital simulations of Markovian nonunitary dynamics that converge to a unique steady state. The steady state is programmed as a desired target state, yielding semblance to a quantum state preparation […]

Network Anomaly Detection Using Quantum Neural Networks on Noisy Quantum Computers

The escalating threat and impact of network-based attacks necessitate innovative intrusion detection systems. Machine learning has shown promise, with recent strides in quantum machine learning offering new avenues. However, the potential of quantum computing is tempered by challenges in current noisy intermediate-scale quantum era machines. In this article, we explore quantum neural networks (QNNs) for […]

State Preparation on Quantum Computers via Quantum Steering

Quantum computers present a compelling platform for the study of open quantum systems, namely, the nonunitary dynamics of a system. Here, we investigate and report digital simulations of Markovian nonunitary dynamics that converge to a unique steady state. The steady state is programmed as a desired target state, yielding semblance to a quantum state preparation […]

Relation Between Quantum Advantage in Supervised Learning and Quantum Computational Advantage

The widespread use of machine learning has raised the question of quantum supremacy for supervised learning as compared to quantum computational advantage. In fact, a recent work shows that computational and learning advantages are, in general, not equivalent, i.e., the additional information provided by a training set can reduce the hardness of some problems. This […]

Relation Between Quantum Advantage in Supervised Learning and Quantum Computational Advantage

The widespread use of machine learning has raised the question of quantum supremacy for supervised learning as compared to quantum computational advantage. In fact, a recent work shows that computational and learning advantages are, in general, not equivalent, i.e., the additional information provided by a training set can reduce the hardness of some problems. This […]

Relation Between Quantum Advantage in Supervised Learning and Quantum Computational Advantage

The widespread use of machine learning has raised the question of quantum supremacy for supervised learning as compared to quantum computational advantage. In fact, a recent work shows that computational and learning advantages are, in general, not equivalent, i.e., the additional information provided by a training set can reduce the hardness of some problems. This […]

Quantum Vulnerability Analysis to Guide Robust Quantum Computing System Design

While quantum computers provide exciting opportunities for information processing, they currently suffer from noise during computation that is not fully understood. Incomplete noise models have led to discrepancies between quantum program success rate (SR) estimates and actual machine outcomes. For example, the estimated probability of success (ESP) is the state-of-the-art metric used to gauge quantum […]

Quantum Vulnerability Analysis to Guide Robust Quantum Computing System Design

While quantum computers provide exciting opportunities for information processing, they currently suffer from noise during computation that is not fully understood. Incomplete noise models have led to discrepancies between quantum program success rate (SR) estimates and actual machine outcomes. For example, the estimated probability of success (ESP) is the state-of-the-art metric used to gauge quantum […]

Exploiting the Quantum Advantage for Satellite Image Processing: Review and Assessment

This article examines the current status of quantum computing (QC) in Earth observation and satellite imagery. We analyze the potential limitations and applications of quantum learning models when dealing with satellite data, considering the persistent challenges of profiting from quantum advantage and finding the optimal sharing between high-performance computing (HPC) and QC. We then assess […]

Exploiting the Quantum Advantage for Satellite Image Processing: Review and Assessment

This article examines the current status of quantum computing (QC) in Earth observation and satellite imagery. We analyze the potential limitations and applications of quantum learning models when dealing with satellite data, considering the persistent challenges of profiting from quantum advantage and finding the optimal sharing between high-performance computing (HPC) and QC. We then assess […]