Improving Probabilistic Error Cancellation in the Presence of Nonstationary Noise

In this article, we investigate the stability of probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) outcomes in the presence of nonstationary noise, which is an obstacle to achieving accurate observable estimates. Leveraging Bayesian methods, we design a strategy to enhance PEC stability and accuracy. Our experiments using a five-qubit implementation of the Bernstein–Vazirani algorithm and conducted on the […]

Network Anomaly Detection Using Quantum Neural Networks on Noisy Quantum Computers

The escalating threat and impact of network-based attacks necessitate innovative intrusion detection systems. Machine learning has shown promise, with recent strides in quantum machine learning offering new avenues. However, the potential of quantum computing is tempered by challenges in current noisy intermediate-scale quantum era machines. In this article, we explore quantum neural networks (QNNs) for […]

Corrections to “The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers”

Presents corrections to the article “The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers”. For more about this article see link below. For the open access PDF link of this article please click.

Testing Platform-Independent Quantum Error Mitigation on Noisy Quantum Computers

We apply quantum error mitigation (QEM) techniques to a variety of benchmark problems and quantum computers to evaluate the performance of QEM in practice. To do so, we define an empirically motivated, resource-normalized metric of the improvement of error mitigation, which we call the improvement factor, and calculate this metric for each experiment we perform. […]

Enabling Efficient Real-Time Calibration on Cloud Quantum Machines

Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers are widely used for quantum computing (QC) from quantum cloud providers. Among them, superconducting quantum computers, with their high scalability and mature processing technology based on traditional silicon-based chips, have become the preferred solution for most commercial companies and research institutions to develop QC. However, superconducting quantum computers suffer from fluctuation […]

Variational Quantum Optimization of Nonlocality in Noisy Quantum Networks

The noise and complexity inherent to quantum communication networks leads to technical challenges in designing quantum network protocols using classical methods. We address this issue with a hybrid variational quantum optimization (VQO) framework that simulates quantum networks on quantum hardware and optimizes the simulation using differential programming. We maximize nonlocality in noisy quantum networks to […]

Pauli Error Propagation-Based Gate Rescheduling for Quantum Circuit Error Mitigation

Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms, which run on noisy quantum computers, should be carefully designed to boost the output state fidelity. While several compilation approaches have been proposed to minimize circuit errors, they often omit the detailed circuit structure information that does not affect the circuit depth or the gate count. In the presence of spatial […]

Layer VQE: A Variational Approach for Combinatorial Optimization on Noisy Quantum Computers

Combinatorial optimization on near-term quantum devices is a promising path to demonstrating quantum advantage. However, the capabilities of these devices are constrained by high noise or error rates. In this article, inspired by the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), we propose an iterative layer VQE (L-VQE) approach. We present a large-scale numerical study, simulating circuits with […]

On the Experimental Feasibility of Quantum State Reconstruction via Machine Learning

We determine the resource scaling of machine learning-based quantum state reconstruction methods, in terms of inference and training, for systems of up to four qubits when constrained to pure states. Further, we examine system performance in the low-count regime, likely to be encountered in the tomography of high-dimensional systems. Finally, we implement our quantum state […]

Enhanced Uplink Quantum Communication With Satellites via Downlink Channels

In developing the global quantum Internet, quantum communication with low-earth-orbit satellites will play a pivotal role. Such communication will need to be two way: effective not only in the satellite-to-ground (downlink) channel but also in the ground-to-satellite channel (uplink). Given that losses on this latter channel are significantly larger relative to the former, techniques that […]