Reliable Quantum Communications Based on Asymmetry in Distillation and Coding

The reliable provision of entangled qubits is an essential precondition in a variety of schemes for distributed quantum computing. This is challenged by multiple nuisances, such as errors during the transmission over quantum links, but also due to degradation of the entanglement over time due to decoherence. The latter can be seen as a constraint […]

Probing Quantum Telecloning on Superconducting Quantum Processors

Quantum information cannot be perfectly cloned, but approximate copies of quantum information can be generated. Quantum telecloning combines approximate quantum cloning, more typically referred to as quantum cloning, and quantum teleportation. Quantum telecloning allows approximate copies of quantum information to be constructed by separate parties, using the classical results of a Bell measurement made on […]

Rateless Protograph LDPC Codes for Quantum Key Distribution

Information reconciliation (IR) is a key step in quantum key distribution (QKD). In recent years, blind reconciliation based on low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes has replaced Cascade as a standard de facto since it guarantees efficient IR without a priori quantum bit error rate estimation and with limited interactivity between the parties, which is essential in […]

Tools for the Analysis of Quantum Protocols Requiring State Generation Within a Time Window

Quantum protocols commonly require a certain number of quantum resource states to be available simultaneously. An important class of examples is quantum network protocols that require a certain number of entangled pairs. Here, we consider a setting in which a process generates a quantum resource state with some probability p in each time step and […]

Network Anomaly Detection Using Quantum Neural Networks on Noisy Quantum Computers

The escalating threat and impact of network-based attacks necessitate innovative intrusion detection systems. Machine learning has shown promise, with recent strides in quantum machine learning offering new avenues. However, the potential of quantum computing is tempered by challenges in current noisy intermediate-scale quantum era machines. In this article, we explore quantum neural networks (QNNs) for […]

State Preparation on Quantum Computers via Quantum Steering

Quantum computers present a compelling platform for the study of open quantum systems, namely, the nonunitary dynamics of a system. Here, we investigate and report digital simulations of Markovian nonunitary dynamics that converge to a unique steady state. The steady state is programmed as a desired target state, yielding semblance to a quantum state preparation […]

Multiuser Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks Using Multipath Routing

Quantum networks facilitate numerous applications including secure communication and distributed quantum computation by performing entanglement distribution. For some multiuser quantum applications, access to a shared multipartite state is required. We consider the problem of designing protocols for distributing such states, at an increased rate. For this, we propose three protocols that leverage multipath routing to […]

Scalable QKD Postprocessing System With Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator

Key distillation is an essential component of every quantum key distribution (QKD) system because it compensates for the inherent transmission errors of a quantum channel. However, the interoperability and throughput aspects of the postprocessing components are often neglected. In this article, we propose a high-throughput key distillation framework that supports multiple QKD protocols, implemented in […]

Continuous-Variable Quantum Secret Sharing in Fast-Fluctuating Channels

Recently, several continuous-variable quantum secret sharing (CV-QSS) protocols were proposed, while most of them are limited to the fiber channel systems with a relatively stable transmissivity. However, by means of complex channels, the transmissivity fluctuates dramatically in time with a probability distribution, which will lead to a fast-fluctuating attack. Therefore, the security analysis of CV-QSS […]