Simulation of Charge Stability Diagrams for Automated Tuning Solutions (SimCATS)

Quantum dots (QDs) must be tuned precisely to provide a suitable basis for quantum computation. A scalable platform for quantum computing can only be achieved by fully automating the tuning process. One crucial step is to trap the appropriate number of electrons in the QDs, typically accomplished by analyzing charge stability diagrams (CSDs). Training and […]

Fault-Tolerant One-Way Noiseless Amplification for Microwave Bosonic Quantum Information Processing

Microwave quantum information networks require reliable transmission of single-photon propagating modes over lossy channels. In this article, we propose a microwave noiseless linear amplifier (NLA) suitable to circumvent the losses incurred by a flying photon undergoing an amplitude damping channel (ADC). The proposed model is constructed by engineering a simple 1-D four-node cluster state. Contrary […]

Learning a Quantum Computer’s Capability

Accurately predicting a quantum computer’s capability—which circuits it can run and how well it can run them—is a foundational goal of quantum characterization and benchmarking. As modern quantum computers become increasingly hard to simulate, we must develop accurate and scalable predictive capability models to help researchers and stakeholders decide which quantum computers to build and […]

Postprocessing Variationally Scheduled Quantum Algorithm for Constrained Combinatorial Optimization Problems

In this article, we propose a postprocessing variationally scheduled quantum algorithm (pVSQA) for solving constrained combinatorial optimization problems (COPs). COPs are typically transformed into ground-state search problems of the Ising model on a quantum annealer or gate-based quantum device. Variational methods are used to find an optimal schedule function that leads to high-quality solutions in […]

Application of Quantum Recurrent Neural Network in Low-Resource Language Text Classification

Text sentiment analysis is an important task in natural language processing and has always been a hot research topic. However, in low-resource regions such as South Asia, where languages like Bengali are widely used, the research interest is relatively low compared to high-resource regions due to limited computational resources, flexible word order, and high inflectional […]

Quantum Fuzzy Inference Engine for Particle Accelerator Control

Recently, quantum computing has been proven as an ideal theory for the design of fuzzy inference engines, thanks to its capability to efficiently solve the rule explosion problem. In this scenario, a quantum fuzzy inference engine (QFIE) was proposed as a quantum algorithm able to generate an exponential computational advantage over conventional fuzzy inference engines. […]

Tools for the Analysis of Quantum Protocols Requiring State Generation Within a Time Window

Quantum protocols commonly require a certain number of quantum resource states to be available simultaneously. An important class of examples is quantum network protocols that require a certain number of entangled pairs. Here, we consider a setting in which a process generates a quantum resource state with some probability p in each time step and […]

State Preparation on Quantum Computers via Quantum Steering

Quantum computers present a compelling platform for the study of open quantum systems, namely, the nonunitary dynamics of a system. Here, we investigate and report digital simulations of Markovian nonunitary dynamics that converge to a unique steady state. The steady state is programmed as a desired target state, yielding semblance to a quantum state preparation […]

Quantum Vulnerability Analysis to Guide Robust Quantum Computing System Design

While quantum computers provide exciting opportunities for information processing, they currently suffer from noise during computation that is not fully understood. Incomplete noise models have led to discrepancies between quantum program success rate (SR) estimates and actual machine outcomes. For example, the estimated probability of success (ESP) is the state-of-the-art metric used to gauge quantum […]

Quantum Vulnerability Analysis to Guide Robust Quantum Computing System Design

While quantum computers provide exciting opportunities for information processing, they currently suffer from noise during computation that is not fully understood. Incomplete noise models have led to discrepancies between quantum program success rate (SR) estimates and actual machine outcomes. For example, the estimated probability of success (ESP) is the state-of-the-art metric used to gauge quantum […]