Accurately predicting a quantum computer’s capability—which circuits it can run and how well it can run them—is a foundational goal of quantum characterization and benchmarking. As modern quantum computers become increasingly hard to simulate, we must develop accurate and scalable predictive capability models to help researchers and stakeholders decide which quantum computers to build and use. In this work, we propose a hardware-agnostic method to efficiently construct scalable predictive models of a quantum computer’s capability for almost any class of circuits and demonstrate our method using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our CNN-based approach works by efficiently representing a circuit as a 3-D tensor and then using a CNN to predict its success rate. Our CNN capability models obtain approximately a 1% average absolute prediction error when modeling processors experiencing both Markovian and non-Markovian stochastic Pauli errors. We also apply our CNNs to model the capabilities of cloud-access quantum computing systems, obtaining moderate prediction accuracy (average absolute error around 2–5%), and we highlight the challenges to building better neural network capability models.

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