One-Dimensional Lazy Quantum Walk in Ternary System

Quantum walks play an important role for developing quantum algorithms and quantum simulations. Here, we introduce a first of its kind one-dimensional lazy quantum walk in the ternary quantum domain and show its equivalence for circuit realization in ternary quantum logic. Using an appropriate logical mapping of the position space on which a walker evolves […]

Quantum Algorithms for Mixed Binary Optimization Applied to Transaction Settlement

In this article, we extend variational quantum optimization algorithms for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems to the class of mixed binary optimization problems. This allows us to combine binary decision variables with continuous decision variables, which, for instance, enables the modeling of inequality constraints via slack variables. We propose two heuristics and introduce the transaction […]

Variational Learning for Quantum Artificial Neural Networks

In the past few years, quantum computing and machine learning fostered rapid developments in their respective areas of application, introducing new perspectives on how information processing systems can be realized and programmed. The rapidly growing field of quantum machine learning aims at bringing together these two ongoing revolutions. Here, we first review a series of […]

Distributed Quantum Computing and Network Control for Accelerated VQE

Interconnecting small quantum computers will be essential in the future for creating large-scale, robust quantum computers. Methods for distributing monolithic quantum algorithms efficiently are, thus, needed. In this article, we consider an approach for distributing the accelerated variational quantum eigensolver algorithm over arbitrary sized—in terms of number of qubits—distributed quantum computers. We consider approaches for […]

Compiler Design for Distributed Quantum Computing

In distributed quantum computing architectures, with the network and communications functionalities provided by the Quantum Internet, remote quantum processing units can communicate and cooperate for executing computational tasks that single, noisy, intermediate-scale quantum devices cannot handle by themselves. To this aim, distributed quantum computing requires a new generation of quantum compilers, for mapping any quantum […]

Formulating and Solving Routing Problems on Quantum Computers

The determination of vehicle routes fulfilling connectivity, time, and operational constraints is a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem. The NP-hard complexity of vehicle routing problems has fostered the adoption of tailored exact approaches, matheuristics, and metaheuristics on classical computing devices. The ongoing evolution of quantum computing hardware and the recent advances of quantum algorithms (i.e., VQE, […]

Josephson Microwave Sources Applied to Quantum Information Systems

Quantum computers with thousands or millions of qubits will require a scalable solution for qubit control and readout electronics. Colocating these electronics at millikelvin temperatures has been proposed and demonstrated, but there exist significant challenges with power dissipation, reproducibility, fidelity, and scalability. In this article, we experimentally demonstrate the use of a Josephson arbitrary waveform […]

Finding Small and Large k-Clique Instances on a Quantum Computer

Algorithms for triangle finding, the smallest nontrivial instance of the k -clique problem, have been proposed for quantum computers. Still, those algorithms assume the use of fixed access time quantum RAM. In this article, we present a practical gate-based approach to both the triangle-finding problem and its NP-hard k -clique generalization. We examine both constant factors for near-term implementation […]

Multiblock ADMM Heuristics for Mixed-Binary Optimization on Classical and Quantum Computers

Solving combinatorial optimization problems on current noisy quantum devices is currently being advocated for (and restricted to) binary polynomial optimization with equality constraints via quantum heuristic approaches. This is achieved using, for example, the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) and the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). In this article, we present a decomposition-based approach to extend […]

Toward Quantum Gate-Model Heuristics for Real-World Planning Problems

Many challenging scheduling, planning, and resource allocation problems come with real-world input data and hard problem constraints, and reduce to optimizing a cost function over a combinatorially defined feasible set, such as colorings of a graph. Toward tackling such problems with quantum computers using quantum approximate optimization algorithms, we present novel efficient quantum alternating operator […]