A Distributed Learning Scheme for Variational Quantum Algorithms

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are prime contenders to gain computational advantages over classical algorithms using near-term quantum machines. As such, many endeavors have been made to accelerate the optimization of modern VQAs in past years. To further improve the capability of VQAs, here, we propose a quantum distributed optimization scheme (dubbed as QUDIO), whose back […]

The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers

The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is the basis for several cryptographic primitives. Since Shor’s work, it has been known that the DLP can be solved by combining a polynomial-size quantum circuit and a polynomial-time classical postprocessing algorithm. The theoretical result corresponds the situation where a quantum device working with a medium number of qubits of […]

Practical Quantum K-Means Clustering: Performance Analysis and Applications in Energy Grid Classification

In this work, we aim to solve a practical use-case of unsupervised clustering that has applications in predictive maintenance in the energy operations sector using quantum computers. Using only cloud access to quantum computers, we complete thorough performance analysis of what some current quantum computing systems are capable of for practical applications involving nontrivial mid-to-high-dimensional […]

Effects of Dynamical Decoupling and Pulse-Level Optimizations on IBM Quantum Computers

Currently available quantum computers are prone to errors. Circuit optimization and error mitigation methods are needed to design quantum circuits to achieve better fidelity when executed on NISQ hardware. Dynamical decoupling (DD) is generally used to suppress the decoherence error, and different DD strategies have been proposed. Moreover, the circuit fidelity can be improved by […]

Decentralization Using Quantum Blockchain: A Theoretical Analysis

Blockchain technology has been prominent recently due to its applications in cryptocurrency. Numerous decentralized blockchain applications have been possible due to blockchains’ nature of distributed, secured, and peer-to-peer storage. One of its technical pillars is using public-key cryptography and hash functions, which promise a secure, pseudoanonymous, and distributed storage with nonrepudiation. This security is believed […]

Simultaneous Estimation of Parameters and the State of an Optical Parametric Oscillator System

In this article, we consider the filtering problem of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). The OPO pump power may fluctuate due to environmental disturbances, resulting in uncertainty in the system modeling. Thus, both the state and the unknown parameter may need to be estimated simultaneously. We formulate this problem using a state-space representation of the […]

Timing Constraints Imposed by Classical Digital Control Systems on Photonic Implementations of Measurement-Based Quantum Computing

Most of the architectural research on photonic implementations of measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) has focused on the quantum resources involved in the problem with the implicit assumption that these will provide the main constraints on system scaling. However, the “flying-qubit” architecture of photonic MBQC requires specific timing constraints that need to be met by the […]

Development of an Undergraduate Quantum Engineering Degree

Quantum computing, communications, sensing, and simulations are radically transformative technologies, with great potential to impact industries and economies. Worldwide, national governments, industries, and universities are moving to create a new class of workforce—the Quantum Engineers. Demand for such engineers is predicted to be in the tens of thousands within a five-year timescale, far exceeding the […]

Simultaneous Estimation of Parameters and the State of an Optical Parametric Oscillator System

In this article, we consider the filtering problem of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). The OPO pump power may fluctuate due to environmental disturbances, resulting in uncertainty in the system modeling. Thus, both the state and the unknown parameter may need to be estimated simultaneously. We formulate this problem using a state-space representation of the […]

The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers

The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is the basis for several cryptographic primitives. Since Shor’s work, it has been known that the DLP can be solved by combining a polynomial-size quantum circuit and a polynomial-time classical postprocessing algorithm. The theoretical result corresponds the situation where a quantum device working with a medium number of qubits of […]