Benchmarking Quantum Circuit Transformation With QKNOB Circuits

Current superconducting quantum devices impose strict connectivity constraints on quantum circuit execution, necessitating circuit transformation before executing quantum circuits on physical hardware. Numerous quantum circuit transformation (QCT) algorithms have been proposed. To enable faithful evaluation of state-of-the-art QCT algorithms, this article introduces qubit mapping benchmark with known near-optimality (QKNOB), a novel benchmark construction method for […]

Tools for the Analysis of Quantum Protocols Requiring State Generation Within a Time Window

Quantum protocols commonly require a certain number of quantum resource states to be available simultaneously. An important class of examples is quantum network protocols that require a certain number of entangled pairs. Here, we consider a setting in which a process generates a quantum resource state with some probability p in each time step and […]

Multiuser Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks Using Multipath Routing

Quantum networks facilitate numerous applications including secure communication and distributed quantum computation by performing entanglement distribution. For some multiuser quantum applications, access to a shared multipartite state is required. We consider the problem of designing protocols for distributing such states, at an increased rate. For this, we propose three protocols that leverage multipath routing to […]

Effects of Dynamical Decoupling and Pulse-Level Optimizations on IBM Quantum Computers

Currently available quantum computers are prone to errors. Circuit optimization and error mitigation methods are needed to design quantum circuits to achieve better fidelity when executed on NISQ hardware. Dynamical decoupling (DD) is generally used to suppress the decoherence error, and different DD strategies have been proposed. Moreover, the circuit fidelity can be improved by […]

Single-Qubit Fidelity Assessment of Quantum Annealing Hardware

As a wide variety of quantum computing platforms become available, methods for assessing and comparing the performance of these devices are of increasing interest and importance. Inspired by the success of single-qubit error rate computations for tracking the progress of gate-based quantum computers, this work proposes a quantum annealing single-qubit assessment (QASA) protocol for quantifying […]