Learning a Quantum Computer’s Capability

Accurately predicting a quantum computer’s capability—which circuits it can run and how well it can run them—is a foundational goal of quantum characterization and benchmarking. As modern quantum computers become increasingly hard to simulate, we must develop accurate and scalable predictive capability models to help researchers and stakeholders decide which quantum computers to build and […]

Optimizing the Electrical Interface for Large-Scale Color-Center Quantum Processors

Quantum processors based on color centers in diamond are promising candidates for future large-scale quantum computers thanks to their flexible optical interface, (relatively) high operating temperature, and high-fidelity operation. Similar to other quantum computing platforms, the electrical interface required to control and read out such qubits may limit both the performance of the whole system […]

Optimizing the Electrical Interface for Large-Scale Color-Center Quantum Processors

Quantum processors based on color centers in diamond are promising candidates for future large-scale quantum computers thanks to their flexible optical interface, (relatively) high operating temperature, and high-fidelity operation. Similar to other quantum computing platforms, the electrical interface required to control and read out such qubits may limit both the performance of the whole system […]

Scalable Full-Stack Benchmarks for Quantum Computers

Quantum processors are now able to run quantum circuits that are infeasible to simulate classically, creating a need for benchmarks that assess a quantum processor’s rate of errors when running these circuits. Here, we introduce a general technique for creating efficient benchmarks from any set of quantum computations, specified by unitary circuits. Our benchmarks assess […]

Probing Quantum Telecloning on Superconducting Quantum Processors

Quantum information cannot be perfectly cloned, but approximate copies of quantum information can be generated. Quantum telecloning combines approximate quantum cloning, more typically referred to as quantum cloning, and quantum teleportation. Quantum telecloning allows approximate copies of quantum information to be constructed by separate parties, using the classical results of a Bell measurement made on […]

A Modular Quantum Compilation Framework for Distributed Quantum Computing

For most practical applications, quantum algorithms require large resources in terms of qubit number, much larger than those available with current noisy intermediate-scale quantum processors. With the network and communication functionalities provided by the quantum Internet, distributed quantum computing (DQC) is considered as a scalable approach for increasing the number of available qubits for computational […]

Simultaneous Execution of Quantum Circuits on Current and Near-Future NISQ Systems

In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, the idea of quantum multiprogramming , running multiple quantum circuits (QCs) simultaneously on the same hardware, helps to improve the throughput of quantum computation. However, the crosstalk, unwanted interference between qubits on NISQ processors, may cause performance degradation when using multiprogramming. To address this challenge, we introduce palloq […]

Finding Solutions to the Integer Case Constraint Satisfiability Problem Using Grover’s Algorithm

Constraint satisfiability problems, crucial to several applications, are solved on a quantum computer using Grover’s search algorithm, leading to a quadratic improvement over the classical case. The solutions are obtained with high probability for several cases and are illustrated for the cases involving two variables for both 3- and 4-bit numbers. Methods are defined for […]

Subdivided Phase Oracle for NISQ Search Algorithms

Because noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) machines accumulate errors quickly, we need new approaches to designing NISQ-aware algorithms and assessing their performance. Algorithms with characteristics that appear less desirable under ideal circumstances, such as lower success probability, may in fact outperform their ideal counterparts on existing hardware. We propose an adaptation of Grover’s algorithm, subdividing the […]