Variational Quantum Algorithms for the Allocation of Resources in a Cloud/Edge Architecture

Modern cloud/edge architectures need to orchestrate multiple layers of heterogeneous computing nodes, including pervasive sensors/actuators, distributed edge/fog nodes, centralized data centers, and quantum devices. The optimal assignment and scheduling of computation on the different nodes is a very difficult problem, with NP-hard complexity. In this article, we explore the possibility of solving this problem with […]

Simultaneous Execution of Quantum Circuits on Current and Near-Future NISQ Systems

In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, the idea of quantum multiprogramming , running multiple quantum circuits (QCs) simultaneously on the same hardware, helps to improve the throughput of quantum computation. However, the crosstalk, unwanted interference between qubits on NISQ processors, may cause performance degradation when using multiprogramming. To address this challenge, we introduce palloq […]