Trellis Decoding for Qudit Stabilizer Codes and Its Application to Qubit Topological Codes

Trellis decoders are a general decoding technique first applied to qubit-based quantum error correction codes by Ollivier and Tillich in 2006. Here, we improve the scalability and practicality of their theory, show that it has strong structure, extend the results using classical coding theory as a guide, and demonstrate a canonical form from which the […]

Harnessing the Power of Long-Range Entanglement for Clifford Circuit Synthesis

In superconducting architectures, limited connectivity remains a significant challenge for the synthesis and compilation of quantum circuits. We consider models of entanglement-assisted computation where long-range operations are achieved through injections of large Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states. These are prepared using ancillary qubits acting as an “entanglement bus,” unlocking global operation primitives such as multiqubit Pauli rotations […]

Trellis Decoding for Qudit Stabilizer Codes and Its Application to Qubit Topological Codes

Trellis decoders are a general decoding technique first applied to qubit-based quantum error correction codes by Ollivier and Tillich in 2006. Here, we improve the scalability and practicality of their theory, show that it has strong structure, extend the results using classical coding theory as a guide, and demonstrate a canonical form from which the […]

Reliable Quantum Communications Based on Asymmetry in Distillation and Coding

The reliable provision of entangled qubits is an essential precondition in a variety of schemes for distributed quantum computing. This is challenged by multiple nuisances, such as errors during the transmission over quantum links, but also due to degradation of the entanglement over time due to decoherence. The latter can be seen as a constraint […]

Variational Quantum Algorithms for the Allocation of Resources in a Cloud/Edge Architecture

Modern cloud/edge architectures need to orchestrate multiple layers of heterogeneous computing nodes, including pervasive sensors/actuators, distributed edge/fog nodes, centralized data centers, and quantum devices. The optimal assignment and scheduling of computation on the different nodes is a very difficult problem, with NP-hard complexity. In this article, we explore the possibility of solving this problem with […]

Accelerating Grover Adaptive Search: Qubit and Gate Count Reduction Strategies With Higher Order Formulations

Grover adaptive search (GAS) is a quantum exhaustive search algorithm designed to solve binary optimization problems. In this article, we propose higher order binary formulations that can simultaneously reduce the numbers of qubits and gates required for GAS. Specifically, we consider two novel strategies: one that reduces the number of gates through polynomial factorization, and […]

Variational Estimation of Optimal Signal States for Quantum Channels

This article explores the performance of quantum communication systems in the presence of noise and focuses on finding the optimal encoding for maximizing the classical communication rate, approaching the classical capacity in some scenarios. Instead of theoretically bounding the ultimate capacity of the channel, we adopt a signal processing perspective to estimate the achievable performance […]

A Comparative Study on Solving Optimization Problems With Exponentially Fewer Qubits

Variational quantum optimization algorithms, such as the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) or the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), are among the most studied quantum algorithms. In our work, we evaluate and improve an algorithm based on the VQE, which uses exponentially fewer qubits compared to the QAOA. We highlight the numerical instabilities generated by encoding […]

Probing Quantum Telecloning on Superconducting Quantum Processors

Quantum information cannot be perfectly cloned, but approximate copies of quantum information can be generated. Quantum telecloning combines approximate quantum cloning, more typically referred to as quantum cloning, and quantum teleportation. Quantum telecloning allows approximate copies of quantum information to be constructed by separate parties, using the classical results of a Bell measurement made on […]

Probing Quantum Telecloning on Superconducting Quantum Processors

Quantum information cannot be perfectly cloned, but approximate copies of quantum information can be generated. Quantum telecloning combines approximate quantum cloning, more typically referred to as quantum cloning, and quantum teleportation. Quantum telecloning allows approximate copies of quantum information to be constructed by separate parties, using the classical results of a Bell measurement made on […]