Hybrid Classical-Quantum Optimization Techniques for Solving Mixed-Integer Programming Problems in Production Scheduling

Quantum computing (QC) holds great promise to open up a new era of computing and has been receiving significant attention recently. To overcome the performance limitations of near-term QC, utilizing the current quantum computers to complement classical techniques for solving real-world problems is of utmost importance. In this article, we develop QC-based solution strategies that […]

Quantum Volume in Practice: What Users Can Expect From NISQ Devices

Quantum volume (QV) has become the de-facto standard benchmark to quantify the capability of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. While QV values are often reported by NISQ providers for their systems, we perform our own series of QV calculations on 24 NISQ devices currently offered by IBM Q, IonQ, Rigetti, Oxford Quantum Circuits, and Quantinuum […]

The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers

The discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is the basis for several cryptographic primitives. Since Shor’s work, it has been known that the DLP can be solved by combining a polynomial-size quantum circuit and a polynomial-time classical postprocessing algorithm. The theoretical result corresponds the situation where a quantum device working with a medium number of qubits of […]

Development of an Undergraduate Quantum Engineering Degree

Quantum computing, communications, sensing, and simulations are radically transformative technologies, with great potential to impact industries and economies. Worldwide, national governments, industries, and universities are moving to create a new class of workforce—the Quantum Engineers. Demand for such engineers is predicted to be in the tens of thousands within a five-year timescale, far exceeding the […]

Request Scheduling in Quantum Networks

Quantumnetworking is emerging as a new research area to explore the opportunities of interconnecting quantum systems through end-to-end entanglement of qubits at geographical distance via quantum repeaters. A promising architecture has been proposed in the literature that decouples entanglement between adjacent quantum nodes/repeaters from establishing end-to-end paths by adopting a time slotted approach. Within this […]

One-Dimensional Lazy Quantum Walk in Ternary System

Quantum walks play an important role for developing quantum algorithms and quantum simulations. Here, we introduce a first of its kind one-dimensional lazy quantum walk in the ternary quantum domain and show its equivalence for circuit realization in ternary quantum logic. Using an appropriate logical mapping of the position space on which a walker evolves […]

Survey on Quantum Circuit Compilation for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers: Artificial Intelligence to Heuristics

Computationally expensive applications, including machine learning, chemical simulations, and financial modeling, are promising candidates for noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers. In these problems, one important challenge is mapping a quantum circuit onto NISQ hardware while satisfying physical constraints of an underlying quantum architecture. Quantum circuit compilation (QCC) aims to generate feasible mappings such that […]

Quantum Algorithms for Mixed Binary Optimization Applied to Transaction Settlement

In this article, we extend variational quantum optimization algorithms for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems to the class of mixed binary optimization problems. This allows us to combine binary decision variables with continuous decision variables, which, for instance, enables the modeling of inequality constraints via slack variables. We propose two heuristics and introduce the transaction […]

Distributed Quantum Computing and Network Control for Accelerated VQE

Interconnecting small quantum computers will be essential in the future for creating large-scale, robust quantum computers. Methods for distributing monolithic quantum algorithms efficiently are, thus, needed. In this article, we consider an approach for distributing the accelerated variational quantum eigensolver algorithm over arbitrary sized—in terms of number of qubits—distributed quantum computers. We consider approaches for […]

Formulating and Solving Routing Problems on Quantum Computers

The determination of vehicle routes fulfilling connectivity, time, and operational constraints is a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem. The NP-hard complexity of vehicle routing problems has fostered the adoption of tailored exact approaches, matheuristics, and metaheuristics on classical computing devices. The ongoing evolution of quantum computing hardware and the recent advances of quantum algorithms (i.e., VQE, […]