MIMO With 1-b Pre/Postcoding Resolution: A Quantum Annealing Approach

In this article, we study the problem of digital pre/postcoding design in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with 1-b resolution per complex dimension. The optimal solution that maximizes the received signal-to-noise ratio relies on an NP-hard combinatorial problem that requires exhaustive searching with exponential complexity. By using the principles of alternating optimization and quantum annealing (QA), […]

Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Intrinsic SNR in Spin Qubit Gate-Based Readout and Its Impacts on Readout Electronics

In semiconductor spin quantum bits (qubits), the radio-frequency (RF) gate-based readout is a promising solution for future large-scale integration, as it allows for a fast, frequency-multiplexed readout architecture, enabling multiple qubits to be read out simultaneously. This article introduces a theoretical framework to evaluate the effect of various parameters, such as the readout probe power, […]

Spatiotemporal Multiplexed Rydberg Receiver

Rydberg states of alkali atoms, where the outer valence electron is excited to high principal quantum numbers, have large electric dipole moments allowing them to be used as sensitive, wideband, electric field sensors. These sensors use electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to measure incident electric fields. The characteristic timescale necessary to establish EIT determines the effective […]

Design and Analysis of Digital Communication Within an SoC-Based Control System for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing

Large-scale quantum information processing requires the use of quantum error-correcting codes to mitigate the effects of noise in quantum devices. Topological error-correcting codes, such as surface codes, are promising candidates, as they can be implemented using only local interactions in a 2-D array of physical qubits. Procedures, such as defect braiding and lattice surgery, can […]

Rydberg Atom Electric Field Sensors for Communications and Sensing

Rydberg atom electric field sensors are projected to enable novel capabilities for resilient communications and sensing. This quantum sensor is small-size, highly sensitive, and broadly tunable, and it has the potential for performing precision vector electric field and angle-of-arrival measurements. While these atomic electric field sensors will not replace traditional receivers in commodity applications for […]

High-Fidelity Control of Superconducting Qubits Using Direct Microwave Synthesis in Higher Nyquist Zones

Control electronics for superconducting quantum processors have strict requirements for accurate command of the sensitive quantum states of their qubits. Hinging on the purity of ultra-phase-stable oscillators to upconvert very-low-noise baseband pulses, conventional control systems can become prohibitively complex and expensive when scaling to larger quantum devices, especially as high sampling rates become desirable for […]