Classically Optimal Variational Quantum Algorithms

Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as variational quantum algorithms (VQAs), are suitable for implementation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. In this article, we expand an implicit step of VQAs: the classical precomputation subroutine, which can nontrivially use classical algorithms to simplify, transform, or specify problem instance-specific variational quantum circuits. In VQA, there is a tradeoff between […]

Quantum Algorithms for Mixed Binary Optimization Applied to Transaction Settlement

In this article, we extend variational quantum optimization algorithms for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems to the class of mixed binary optimization problems. This allows us to combine binary decision variables with continuous decision variables, which, for instance, enables the modeling of inequality constraints via slack variables. We propose two heuristics and introduce the transaction […]

Distributed Quantum Computing and Network Control for Accelerated VQE

Interconnecting small quantum computers will be essential in the future for creating large-scale, robust quantum computers. Methods for distributing monolithic quantum algorithms efficiently are, thus, needed. In this article, we consider an approach for distributing the accelerated variational quantum eigensolver algorithm over arbitrary sized—in terms of number of qubits—distributed quantum computers. We consider approaches for […]

Quantum Bloom Filter and Its Applications

A quantum Bloom filter is a spatially more efficient data structure which is used to represent a set of n elements by using O(lognk) qubits. In this article, we define and design a quantum Bloom filter and its corresponding algorithms. Due to the reversibility of quantum operators, it can not only add a new element to a quantum Bloom […]

Formulating and Solving Routing Problems on Quantum Computers

The determination of vehicle routes fulfilling connectivity, time, and operational constraints is a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem. The NP-hard complexity of vehicle routing problems has fostered the adoption of tailored exact approaches, matheuristics, and metaheuristics on classical computing devices. The ongoing evolution of quantum computing hardware and the recent advances of quantum algorithms (i.e., VQE, […]