A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Scheduling Over Memory-Equipped Quantum Networks

Quantum internetworking is a recent field that promises numerous interesting applications, many of which require the distribution of entanglement between arbitrary pairs of users. This article deals with the problem of scheduling in an arbitrary entanglement swapping quantum network—often called first-generation quantum network—in its general topology, multicommodity, loss-aware formulation. We introduce a linear algebraic framework […]

A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Scheduling Over Memory-Equipped Quantum Networks

Quantum internetworking is a recent field that promises numerous interesting applications, many of which require the distribution of entanglement between arbitrary pairs of users. This article deals with the problem of scheduling in an arbitrary entanglement swapping quantum network—often called first-generation quantum network—in its general topology, multicommodity, loss-aware formulation. We introduce a linear algebraic framework […]

On the Stochastic Analysis of a Quantum Entanglement Distribution Switch

In this article, we study a quantum entanglement distribution switch that serves k users in a star topology. We model variants of the system as continuous-time Markov chains and obtain expressions for switch capacity, expected number of qubits stored in memory at the switch, and the quantum memory occupancy distribution. We obtain a number of analytic results […]