A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Scheduling Over Memory-Equipped Quantum Networks

Quantum internetworking is a recent field that promises numerous interesting applications, many of which require the distribution of entanglement between arbitrary pairs of users. This article deals with the problem of scheduling in an arbitrary entanglement swapping quantum network—often called first-generation quantum network—in its general topology, multicommodity, loss-aware formulation. We introduce a linear algebraic framework […]

Exploiting the Quantum Advantage for Satellite Image Processing: Review and Assessment

This article examines the current status of quantum computing (QC) in Earth observation and satellite imagery. We analyze the potential limitations and applications of quantum learning models when dealing with satellite data, considering the persistent challenges of profiting from quantum advantage and finding the optimal sharing between high-performance computing (HPC) and QC. We then assess […]

Exploiting the Quantum Advantage for Satellite Image Processing: Review and Assessment

This article examines the current status of quantum computing (QC) in Earth observation and satellite imagery. We analyze the potential limitations and applications of quantum learning models when dealing with satellite data, considering the persistent challenges of profiting from quantum advantage and finding the optimal sharing between high-performance computing (HPC) and QC. We then assess […]

Multiuser Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks Using Multipath Routing

Quantum networks facilitate numerous applications including secure communication and distributed quantum computation by performing entanglement distribution. For some multiuser quantum applications, access to a shared multipartite state is required. We consider the problem of designing protocols for distributing such states, at an increased rate. For this, we propose three protocols that leverage multipath routing to […]

Variational Quantum Optimization of Nonlocality in Noisy Quantum Networks

The noise and complexity inherent to quantum communication networks leads to technical challenges in designing quantum network protocols using classical methods. We address this issue with a hybrid variational quantum optimization (VQO) framework that simulates quantum networks on quantum hardware and optimizes the simulation using differential programming. We maximize nonlocality in noisy quantum networks to […]

A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Dicke State Preparation

We present a divide-and-conquer approach to deterministically prepare Dicke states |Dnk⟩ (i.e., equal-weight superpositions of all n -qubit states with Hamming weight k ) on quantum computers. In an experimental evaluation for up to n=6 qubits on IBM Quantum Sydney and Montreal devices, we achieve significantly higher state fidelity compared to previous results. The fidelity gains are achieved through several techniques: our circuits […]

DQRA: Deep Quantum Routing Agent for Entanglement Routing in Quantum Networks

Quantum routing plays a key role in the development of the next-generation network system. In particular, an entangled routing path can be constructed with the help of quantum entanglement and swapping among particles (e.g., photons) associated with nodes in the network. From another side of computing, machine learning has achieved numerous breakthrough successes in various […]

Estimation of the CHSH Parameter Using HOM Interference

The Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) experiment is an essential test of nonlocality in quantum mechanics and can be used to validate the principle of entanglement. In addition to verifying entanglement, the measurable CHSH parameter can also be used to gauge the quality of the entanglement present in a system. The measurement of Hong–Ou–Mandel (HOM) interference is another […]

Efficient Quantum Network Communication Using Optimized Entanglement Swapping Trees

Quantum network communication is challenging, as the no-cloning theorem in the quantum regime makes many classical techniques inapplicable; in particular, the direct transmission of qubit states over long distances is infeasible due to unrecoverable errors. For the long-distance communication of unknown quantum states, the only viable communication approach (assuming local operations and classical communications) is […]

A Connection-Oriented Entanglement Distribution Design in Quantum Networks

Quantum networks create a completely new way for communication, and the most important function of a quantum network is to generate long-distance quantum entanglement to serve a number of quantum applications. As the scale of the network expands, in order to establish end-to-end entanglement between two remote nodes, entangled pairs need to be generated and […]