Fundamentals of Quantum Fourier Optics

All-quantum signal processing techniques are at the core of the successful advancement of most information-based quantum technologies. This article develops coherent and comprehensive methodologies and mathematical models to describe Fourier optical signal processing in full quantum terms for any input quantum state of light. We begin this article by introducing a spatially 2-D quantum state […]

A Feasible Quantum Sealed-Bid Auction Scheme Without an Auctioneer

In this article, we first define a primitive problem of secure multiparty computations, i.e., secure multiparty disjunction (SMD), and present a novel quantum protocol for SMD that can ensure information-theoretical security, i.e., unconditional security. Furthermore, based on the quantum SMD protocol, we design a quantum sealed-bid auction (QSA) scheme without an auctioneer. In the proposed […]

Pauli Error Propagation-Based Gate Rescheduling for Quantum Circuit Error Mitigation

Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms, which run on noisy quantum computers, should be carefully designed to boost the output state fidelity. While several compilation approaches have been proposed to minimize circuit errors, they often omit the detailed circuit structure information that does not affect the circuit depth or the gate count. In the presence of spatial […]

Simultaneous Execution of Quantum Circuits on Current and Near-Future NISQ Systems

In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, the idea of quantum multiprogramming , running multiple quantum circuits (QCs) simultaneously on the same hardware, helps to improve the throughput of quantum computation. However, the crosstalk, unwanted interference between qubits on NISQ processors, may cause performance degradation when using multiprogramming. To address this challenge, we introduce palloq […]

Quantum Kernels for Real-World Predictions Based on Electronic Health Records

Research on near-term quantum machine learning has explored how classical machine learning algorithms endowed with access to quantum kernels (similarity measures) can outperform their purely classical counterparts. Although theoretical work has shown a provable advantage on synthetic data sets, no work done to date has studied empirically whether the quantum advantage is attainable and with […]

Mutation Testing of Quantum Programs: A Case Study With Qiskit

As quantum computing is still in its infancy, there is an inherent lack of knowledge and technology to test a quantum program properly. In the classical realm, mutation testing has been successfully used to evaluate how well a program’s test suite detects seeded faults (i.e., mutants). In this article, building on the definition of syntactically […]

A Software Development Kit and Translation Layer for Executing Intel 8080 Assembler on a Quantum Computer (August 2022)

One of the major obstacles to the adoption of quantum computing is the requirement to define quantum circuits at the quantum gate level. Many programmers are familiar with high-level or low-level programming languages but not quantum gates nor the low-level quantum logic required to derive useful results from quantum computers. The steep learning curve involved […]

Teaching Quantum Computing to High-School-Aged Youth: A Hands-On Approach

Quantum computing is aninterdisciplinary field that lies at the intersection of mathematics, quantum physics, and computer science, and finds applications in areas including optimization, machine learning, and simulation of chemical, physical, and biological systems. It has the potential to help solve problems that so far have no satisfying method solving them, and to provide significant […]

Hash Function Based on Controlled Alternate Quantum Walks With Memory (September 2021)

We propose a Quantum inspired Hash Function using controlled alternate quantum walks with Memory on cycles (QHFM), where the j th message bit decides whether to run quantum walk with one-step memory or to run quantum walk with two-step memory at the j th time step, and the hash value is calculated from the resulting probability distribution of the […]

Quantum Radon Transforms and Their Applications

This article extends the Radon transform, a classical image-processing tool for fast tomography and denoising, to the quantum computing platform. A new kind of periodic discrete Radon transform (PDRT), called the quantum periodic discrete Radon transform (QPRT), is proposed. The quantum implementation of QPRT based on the amplitude encoding method is exponentially faster than the […]