Quantum Volume in Practice: What Users Can Expect From NISQ Devices

Quantum volume (QV) has become the de-facto standard benchmark to quantify the capability of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. While QV values are often reported by NISQ providers for their systems, we perform our own series of QV calculations on 24 NISQ devices currently offered by IBM Q, IonQ, Rigetti, Oxford Quantum Circuits, and Quantinuum […]

A Distributed Learning Scheme for Variational Quantum Algorithms

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are prime contenders to gain computational advantages over classical algorithms using near-term quantum machines. As such, many endeavors have been made to accelerate the optimization of modern VQAs in past years. To further improve the capability of VQAs, here, we propose a quantum distributed optimization scheme (dubbed as QUDIO), whose back […]

Classically Optimal Variational Quantum Algorithms

Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as variational quantum algorithms (VQAs), are suitable for implementation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. In this article, we expand an implicit step of VQAs: the classical precomputation subroutine, which can nontrivially use classical algorithms to simplify, transform, or specify problem instance-specific variational quantum circuits. In VQA, there is a tradeoff between […]

Quantum Circuit Architecture Optimization for Variational Quantum Eigensolver via Monto Carlo Tree Search

The advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices provide crucial promise for the development of quantum algorithms. Variational quantum algorithms have emerged as one of the best hopes to utilize NISQ devices. Among these is the famous variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), where one trains a parameterized and fixed quantum circuit (or an ansatz) to accomplish […]

Efficient Optimization of Cutoffs in Quantum Repeater Chains

Quantum communication enables the implementation of tasks that are unachievable with classical resources. However, losses on the communication channel preclude the direct long-distance transmission of quantum information in many relevant scenarios. In principle, quantum repeaters allow one to overcome losses. However, realistic hardware parameters make long-distance quantum communication a challenge in practice. For instance, in […]

Performance of Domain-Wall Encoding for Quantum Annealing

In this article, we experimentally test the performance of the recently proposed domain-wall encoding of discrete variables Chancellor, 2019, on Ising model flux qubit quantum annealers. We compare this encoding with the traditional one-hot methods and find that they outperform the one-hot encoding for three different problems at different sizes of both the problem and […]

Identification of Time-Varying Decoherence Rates for Open Quantum Systems

Parameter identification of quantum systems is a fundamental task in developing practical quantum technology. In this article, we study the identification of time-varying decoherence rates for open quantum systems. Given the measurement data of local observables, this can be formulated as an optimization problem. We expand the unknown decoherence rates into Fourier series and take […]

Exploiting Symmetry Reduces the Cost of Training QAOA

A promising approach to the practical application of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is finding QAOA parameters classically in simulation and sampling the solutions from QAOA with optimized parameters on a quantum computer. Doing so requires repeated evaluations of QAOA energy in simulation. In this article, we propose a novel approach for accelerating the […]

Quantum Algorithms for Mixed Binary Optimization Applied to Transaction Settlement

In this article, we extend variational quantum optimization algorithms for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems to the class of mixed binary optimization problems. This allows us to combine binary decision variables with continuous decision variables, which, for instance, enables the modeling of inequality constraints via slack variables. We propose two heuristics and introduce the transaction […]

Formulating and Solving Routing Problems on Quantum Computers

The determination of vehicle routes fulfilling connectivity, time, and operational constraints is a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem. The NP-hard complexity of vehicle routing problems has fostered the adoption of tailored exact approaches, matheuristics, and metaheuristics on classical computing devices. The ongoing evolution of quantum computing hardware and the recent advances of quantum algorithms (i.e., VQE, […]