High-Stability Cryogenic System for Quantum Computing With Compact Packaged Ion Traps

Cryogenic environments benefit ion trapping experiments by offering lower motional heating rates, collision energies, and an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment for maintaining long ion chains for extended periods of time. Mechanical vibrations caused by compressors in closed-cycle cryostats can introduce relative motion between the ion and the wavefronts of lasers used to manipulate the ions. […]

Stable Turnkey Laser System for a Yb/Ba Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer

This work presents a stable and reliable turnkey continuous-wave laser system for a Yb/Ba multispecies trapped-ion quantum computer. The compact and rack-mountable optics system exhibits high robustness, operating over a year without realignment, regardless of temperature changes in the laboratory. The overall optical system is divided into a few isolated modules interconnected by optical fibers […]

High-Stability Cryogenic System for Quantum Computing With Compact Packaged Ion Traps

Cryogenic environments benefit ion trapping experiments by offering lower motional heating rates, collision energies, and an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment for maintaining long ion chains for extended periods of time. Mechanical vibrations caused by compressors in closed-cycle cryostats can introduce relative motion between the ion and the wavefronts of lasers used to manipulate the ions. […]