This article delves into the role of the quantum Fisher information matrix (FIM) in enhancing the performance of parameterized quantum circuit (PQC)-based reinforcement learning agents. While previous studies have highlighted the effectiveness of PQC-based policies preconditioned with the quantum FIM in contextual bandits, its impact in broader reinforcement learning contexts, such as Markov decision processes, is less clear. Through a detailed analysis of Löwner inequalities between quantum and classical FIMs, this study uncovers the nuanced distinctions and implications of using each type of FIM. Our results indicate that a PQC-based agent using the quantum FIM without additional insights typically incurs a larger approximation error and does not guarantee improved performance compared to the classical FIM. Empirical evaluations in classic control benchmarks suggest even though quantum FIM preconditioning outperforms standard gradient ascent, in general, it is not superior to classical FIM preconditioning.
Bryce Fuller, Charles Hadfield, Jennifer R. Glick, Takashi Imamichi, Toshinari Itoko, Richard J. Thompson, Yang Jiao, Marna M. Kagele, Adriana W. Blom-Schieber, Rudy Raymond, Antonio MezzacapoRegularApproximate Ratio, Approximate Solution, Binary Optimization, Classification Algorithms, Combinatorial Problem, Cost function, Cut Value, Eigenstates, Energy Relaxation, Estimation Algorithm, Hamiltonian Operator, Numerical Simulations, Optimal Cut, Optimal Objective Value, Pauli Matrices, Quantum computing, Quantum Information, Quantum state, Random Code, Relaxation Spectrum, Relaxed State