Special Section on Classical Control Systems for Quantum Information Applications

Call for Papers

Quantum information applications require classical control systems to manipulate and read out the quantum systems at their core, as well as for higher-level control and processing at the algorithm or system level. This special section focuses on these classical control and readout systems, including those which help prepare or initialize qubits, perform single- or multi-qubit control operations, read out qubit states, automate or abstract to higher layers of system control, enhance scalability of quantum systems, or provide other capabilities relevant for interfacing with and using quantum systems.  This includes both hardware and software aspects of these tasks, as described below.

The scope of this special section includes, but is not limited to:

Technologies or systems which

  • Generate or receive qubit control or readout signals, including DC, RF, microwave, and optical signals
  • Assist with qubit state readout, such as photon detectors and low-noise amplifiers
  • Manage reconfigurable quantum systems, such as configuring or manipulating arrays of trapped ions or neutral atoms
  • Perform automated calibration/tune-up of qubit or quantum device parameters, or monitor these parameters over time
  • Provide software environments for low- or high-level control of quantum systems

Design or implementation of

  • Architectures for high-level control of large/scalable quantum systems
  • Hardware, software, firmware, or ASICs for control/readout of quantum systems
  • Subsystems for functions specific to quantum communications, sensing, and metrology, such as quantum repeaters and precise clocks
  • Techniques to control noise and crosstalk in control/readout
  • Distributed control systems, including systems with some or all components at cryogenic temperatures

Articles may report specific technical advances or implementations, provide tutorials on relevant topics, or propose visions/blueprints for future development directions.

Nature of TQE

TQE https://tqe.ieee.org is a continuously published, peer-reviewed, open access journal accessible through IEEE Xplore at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=8961200.

Upon acceptance, the author-supplied preprint will be given a DOI number and posted immediately on IEEE Xplore for early access. The manuscript will be professionally edited and the resulting final copy will replace the preprint.

Contributions will be indexed to this special section so IEEE Xplore can display a list of all the articles submitted in response to this call for papers. There is no limit on the number of papers in this special section.

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors must follow the TQE manuscript requirements posted at https://tqe.ieee.org.

Papers are published under the Creative Commons CCBY license terms.

Important Dates

Manuscripts Due: Submissions are open now through June 30, 2021 but the end date may be extended.

Expected Publication: Early access available shortly after peer review.

Special Section Editors

Daniel H. Slichter (TQE associate editor)
Physicist, Time and Frequency Division
NIST, Boulder, CO

Joseph Bardin (TQE associate editor)
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering, UMass Amherst
Google AI Quantum

Oleg Mukhanov (TQE associate editor)
Elmsford, NY 10523

Advisory Board

Prof. Edoardo Charbon, Chair of VLSI
Advanced Quantum Architecture Lab (AQUA)
EPFL, Switzerland

Dr. Davide Massarotti, Assistant Professor in Condensed Matter Physics
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Università Federico II, Napoli, Italy

William D. Oliver, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Associate Director, Research Laboratory of Electronics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory Fellow, Lincoln Laboratory

Britton L. T. Plourde, Professor of Physics
Syracuse University

Fabio Sebastiano, Associate professor
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands / QuTech, The Netherlands